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Mark Shavlik, Senserva's CEO/Co-Founder

Mark works with TJ, the Senserva developers, partners and customers to create innovative security products.
Mark’s professional journey began at Microsoft, where he was selected as one of the pioneering developers for the original Windows NT team, led by David Cutler. His career trajectory then led him to establish Shavlik Technologies, a company focused on providing global security solutions for millions of servers and end-points, including products like HfNetChk and MBSA. Today, Shavlik Technologies operates under a new name and as a part of a different company, continuing its mission to secure millions of computers worldwide.
"Microsoft teamed with security software developer Shavlik Technologies LLC in St. Paul, Minn., to build the HFNetChk and Microsoft Personal Security Advisor (MBSA) tools. The tools are the first in a series of products from Microsoft aimed at helping users better secure their systems", Culp (Scott Culp, a Microsoft security manager at the time) said. Tim Rains, Chief Security Advisor of Microsoft’s Worldwide Cybersecurity & Data Protection group, noted "... MBSA scanned over 3 million computers each week."
After building Shavlik Technologies Mark wanted to broaden the security products he created so sold the patch management company to VMware where he worked with Paul Maritz and Raghu Raghuram. From there Mark founded Senserva to focus on solving modern security challenges around On-Prem+Cloud. Continuing to work with a strong partner focused model.